Business Process Improvement

Our endeavour has always been towards partnering businesses in their journey of achieving operational excellence. A typical business attracts a myriad of processes, and their interplay with various stakeholders, make effective management of resources a tough call. ProBuds partners with the businesses, in aligning the strategic vision of the organisation, with the systems and processes within.


We impart a tactical rollout of the corporate’s strategy with a comprehensive Business Process Mapping exercise which includes;


SOP Preparation and Implementation:

The multitude of processes are given a robust framework with well defined SOP ’s (Standard Operating Procedures), while ensuring that the business process flow is appropriate to the volume and philosophy of the business.


  • Job Matrix/ Responsibility mapping:

The business vision and strategy is implemented by its human resource, and a well defined Job Matrix with clearly articulated roles and responsibilities, work well in percolating the organisation’s ethos right to the points of action and accountability. ProBuds analyses the organisation’s requirements, and prepares Job Matrix/Responsibility mapping, which leads towards capacity optimisation for the organisation.

  • Capacity Analysis/ Performance Metrics:

Businesses gain by routinely assessing,  the key results of its resource commitments, to evaluate whether the strategic initiatives are on track. ProBuds assist businesses to formulate  operational performance parameters, which are benchmarked with industry standards, to give management a firm grip on the day to day operations, and helping to achieve the key strategic goals.


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